Multiple Events To Take Place As Active Part Of Global Running Day

The well-known Georgia Game Changers running firm is likely to plan varieties of activities, which are presented throughout the Global Running Day, to be held on Wednesday. The main aim of these activities is to encourage walkers, runners and even athletes of all kinds to commit and promise to stay fit. To learn more about the details on the Global Running day, you are requested to visit for information, and get hold of the pledge sheets. Visiting this online site will offer you with the information on what others are working on a global basis.

More about the events:

Multiple events are going to take place at Savannah locations and Richmond Hill of the Georgia Game Changers. Before learning about the games, it is mandatory to know more about the schedule of the running day, to be prepared before taking active part in this running event.

It is around 8 am, when the Race walk will take place with the owner of the Georgia Game Changers, Sandra Elliott. This is going to start at Richmond Hill arena. After that, it was around 12:30pm when the Cardio Challenge is going to start with Jonathan Hathaway, member of Life Enhancement Systems, from the same location in Richmond.

After that, from 5 to 7 pm, Savannah Sport & Wellness Gait Analysis is likely to take place with Katie Balthrop. For that, aspirants might have to get an appointment beforehand and further work for a fee. It is important to contact Katie for the preferred time slot appointment from the same Richmond Hill location. You better hurry up before it’s too late.

Other events to be hosted around here:

Apart from the points already mentioned, you can get along with other events, which are part of the running day. You have the TriggerPoint Demo at 5-7pm with the help of Implus Lauren Blankenship from Richmond Hill. You even have the On Running Demo along with the Group Run venture at 6pm at Richmond Hill.

You will come across a demonstration run as well at the same time like the Group and On Running Demo run, at 6 pm. Here, the participants are likely to catch up with Merrell Running and Newton Running. In case, you want to gain some more information about these sports and the amazing events to be hosted, you can call the experts from Georgia Game Changers for some other details. You can even check on for their entre schedule, right from the Facebook Page.

Be a part of this race:

Running is the easiest way to stay fit. Nowadays, in this hardcore working life, people fail to maintain a healthy dietary routine. So, they are always in lookout for the best substitute, which can compensate on the missing gym hours. Running can be that substitute, where you get the opportunity to meet and greet new people, and stay fit at the same time.

The more you run the better muscle strength you can catch up with. With the addition of these events, your run will turn out to be an amazing one for sure.

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